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    Clip Description


    The scene is a bondage model/damsel in distress peril video and photography shoot for a bondage and leg fetish website. The model (A) arrives wearing a short skirt/blouse (in the John Willie/Gwendolyn tradition) and stiletto heels (alternately a latex or leather outfit….I don’t know what costuming is available). The photographer explains that he will be tying her up and she will be posing in a variety of positions that highlight her “peril” but are focused on her legs. The guillotine is in the room, but currently covered up. I would like this filmed so that her legs are viewable in their entirety throughout the video.

    He asks her to put her hair up, and he binds her upper body tightly…hands behind her back, ropes around her elbow etc. He then directs her to pose in a variety of scenes, showing her “terror” and featuring her legs…writhing to get of her bonds, etc. She is moving around the covered guillotine, even sitting on the plank, crossing her legs, and wondering what it is under the sheet…he defers these questions as he tells her he wants to record her actual “shock” when she sees what it is…

    He gets a phone call and excuses himself, and her curiosity gets the better of her and she manages to get the cover off of the guillotine while he is out of the room. It is set up for a kneeling beheading. She is a little panicked at first, and asks him what it is all about when he returns….

    He tells her he was hoping that she unveiled it as a camera has captured her shock. He assures her it is just a harmless prop and part of the scene. He tells her he would like to place her in it…she is unsure and resists, but he calms her and tells her it is just a prop. She tells him she is worried he’ll trick her or that it would accidently cut off her head, but reassures her.

    He has her pose on the plank in all sorts of positions with her legs, then finally asks if she is ready to put her head in the lunette under the blade… she is nervous, but she says she trusts him. Slowly and cautiously, she kneels down and she stares at the machine.

    She is reluctant at first, but you convince her, and over time she slides into the lunette and you pull the stocks down. She is nervous at first, but kind of excited by it once her neck is under the blade. She comments about how sharp it looked and how both scared and turned people must have been when faced with execution by the device. She asks how she might look without a head…you reassure her that although she would look great, that she needn’t worry about that…it is all safe.

    She then muses about what it would be like to lose her head, how it is actually kind of a turn on to think about being a damsel in distress and having her head actually cut off, what you do with her once she was headless….and you both kind of laugh it off.

    You tell her to act like she is really going to be beheaded and act afraid….in response, she “begs” you to save her head. After a little of this, you ask her to now act like she wants to be beheaded…she’s getting into it and starts “begging” you to behead her…you ask her to do it, again and again….she’s getting into it, overacting…..you finally say, “well, if you insist”…she realizes what you are going to do, cries “no” but you release the blade…

    ..Her body shudders, legs kick. The camera focuses on her headless body….you remove the leather basket….

    Scene switches to an NBM scene with headless body on a chair, crossing her legs.

    Starring: Lycy Lume
    Keywords: guillotine, willing, surreal

    Clip Duration:      14 minutes
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    mp4146.89 MB

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As usual, the scene is filmed so that the models legs are in full view all the time.The scene opens with a young woman seated in a chair in a submissive posture. She is wearing a short skirt/dress and stiletto heels. Her legs are bare. She sits and quietly crosses her legs, looking pensive and almost sad. She doesnt have much expression on her face.

A man enters the room carrying rope/handcuffs. He is an executioner and it is time for the woman to go to her death. He tells her that she will be beheaded.she looks at him sadly. She wasnt aware of the manner of her execution until that moment. She looks back at the ground. She simply says okay

He hands her something to tie back her hair, then has her stand and binds her hands behind her back. He has her sit again and goes behind her to check her hair.she passes inspection it is off her neck. Except for acknowledging his instructions, she is silent.

He stands her up and leads her to the guillotine. She struggles slightly, but submits. We see the guillotine from the side view. The blade is down and the basket is missing. It is set up for a kneeling beheading. He has her sit on the plank while he prepares the guillotine. She crosses her legs, with her head still down her chest heaves as she appears to be silently crying.. He retrieves the basket and installs it, then lifts the blade, she is startled by the sounds.he explains to her what he is doing.

He tells her it is time, and stands her up.he has her kneel. He tries to push her head into the lunette and she silently resists a little, but soon her head is locked in the stock. He straps her in. We watch her struggle a little bit, trying to free her hands and neck...she groans a little as she her struggles are futile. He can't help but admire her beauty and her legs in particular....and he shares these thoughts with her.
After some struggle, he tells her it is time to release the blade she is silent and just nods.

The blade drops, and her head is shown going into the basket. Her body and legs twitch and kick quite a bit then she is still.

He removes the basket while the headless body remains motionless. The camera poses on the headless body still on the guillotine.

The scene ends with the headless woman, still bound, posed on a chair. She crosses her legs seductively.


Carissa has been fantasizing about being fucked doggiestyle while locked in a guillotine, and, in the moment of orgasm, having the blade dropped on her. She is actually kneeling with her neck on the guillotine, fingering herself, talking dirty about her wish to be fucked and beheaded like that. She goes on fingering herself until she climaxes, but, then, the blade does not fall. After pausing, she gets out of the lunette and maliciously tells us: "I wish it was for real... "


The scene opens with the guillotine and a chair next to it. The guillotine is set up for a kneeling beheading. A woman scientist is sitting on the chair, legs crossed. She is wearing heels, a short skirt, blouse, glasses, her hair is up. She is recording her experiment.

She has long been interested in the conscious state of the brain after a beheading. How long does the head remain conscious?  She has been unsuccessful in finding candidates that will allow experimentation, so decides she will be the human subject.  Her plan is to set the guillotine on a timer, place herself under the blade, and behead herself. She has instrumented the basket to look for eye movement and other signs of life. Besides, she has always had a beheading fetish, so this is a “twofer” (two benefits for the price of one) for her.

She moves the chair, removes her lab coat, pulls out a pair of handcuffs, and kneels before the guillotine. After placing her head in the lunette, she cuffs her hands behind her back, to ensure she doesn’t change her mind, and waits for the blade to fall.  Throughout, she is still recording her thoughts into her phone. She talks openly about her beheading fetish, wonders how long her head will remain alive and what it’s thoughts will be, says it’s a pity her head won’t be able to see her headless body, apologizes to the people that will find her, and hopes that they will find a good use for her body and head.


This is something simple and totally different: a fixed camera films a bizarre photoshoot going on, where Bendy is being photographed by a creep posing on a guillotine which is believed to be a prop. Very bizarre positions, and the photos out of the camera are shown (unedited).
After a while, Bendy is tired so the photographer offers her to do a last pose in the normal position: kneeling down with her head in the lunette. Bendy is looking forward to finish so she agrees, and keeps talking with him. At some point, unexpectedly, the creep releases the blade and Bendy's body is caught shaking and going limp by the fixed camera. We see the photographer groping her ass and mumbling about plans to shoot more, and maybe have some fun with that headless model who now belongs to him...

Starring: Bendy
Keywords: guillotine, reality_pov
424 MB


A women wearing work clothes (baggy pants, deck shoes, t-shirt, hat, coveralls, gloves...sort of a disheveled look) puts the finishing touches on the small guillotine she has built. She hopes to send damsel-in-distress sample pictures of herself in response to a magazine ad calling for models...she wants to break into the "scream-queen"/horror genre of film and thinks this is her chance.

She disappears off screen to change her clothes. We see the blade all of a sudden drop by itself...clearly it hasn't been secured properly...a harbinger of things to come.

She return with some sexy clothes and notices the blade is down. She muses that she had left it up. Oh well, she must be mistaken, and lifts the blade back into place....its not supposed to come down on its own.

While she waits for her photographer friend to show up, she puts up her hair, slips into some lingerie (or leather wear...I don't care), puts on some seamed stockings and high heeled shoes seductively. Her friend arrives...he is a little shocked by the guillotine and asks about it. She tells him that it is just a prop, perfectly safe...she built it herself. She thinks it will be great addition to her sample portfolio.  She then poses on/around the guillotine at his direction, crossing her legs, showing them off, etc.

Eventually, she pulls out some handcuffs and tells her friend that she wants some pictures with her head inside the lunette....he's not so sure. The guillotine is set up WITHOUT the basket...she kneels before it (the short plank is installed), puts her own head in the lunette and offers herself up to be handcuffed...he takes a few pictures from varied angles of her acting seductive and alternatively scared. She then suggests her turn her around...he helps her out and uncuffs her....she then sits on the short plank and lays backwards on the guillotine with her head in the lunette....her legs extend beyond the plank, with her feet on the floor...she crosses her legs in this manner. He cuffs her hands behind her back under the plank.

He then takes a few pictures, then suggests they add the basket...she agrees.

While he is installing the basket, the blade unexpectedly drops with her head dropping into the basket (hopefully we can see this).  he stands up, looking at the headless body in the guillotine...oh my, what should he do?

Better clean up the mess...he takes the basket away with the head still in it...then continues his photography work, saying that these pictures are especially going to sell very well. We see the headless body from the side, legs still crossed and still in the guillotine

The scene ends with her sitting in NBM style without her head, musing about just how well this didn't work out....she should have tested the guillotine to make the sure the blade was secure


A story by Mick
A scientist is sitting on the guillotine, depressed. His sweet blonde assistant steps in and asks him what's wrong. He explains that he has so many ideas and theories, but he needs people to lose their heads in order to carry out his experiments, but he hasn't been getting any prisoners from the prison. Times are changing and nobody gets guillotined anymore. He would like to try out an experiment which would determine for how long a severed head remains conscious after beheading

The blonde assistant is so devoted to him, that she volunteers without hesitation. At first he tries to dissuade her, but she insists so much to serve him and his science that he agrees to behead her. Before they go, he explains her that immediately after beheading he will put her severed head in front of a recording camera, and try to interact with her and ask her simple questions she can asnwer with 'Yes' or 'No', such as "Can you hear me?", "Are you experiencing pain" - Which she can positively answer by blinking twice, as she'll have no voice anymore - And perform simple tasks such as move her eyes and her lips.

Once everything is cleared, Cindy kneels down on the guillotine and the scientist takes her head in his hands, as he will hold it up to prevent it to fall once it gets severed, and he will be literally ready to go
He says thanks to his assistant once more, and then drops the blade and gets the head for the experiment.

The second part of the video shows the experiment with the severed head. It lasts a few minutes, during which Cindy delivers a stunning expressive performance, ending into oblivion when finally life fades away and her eyes defocus into a death stare.

Starring: Cindy
Keywords: guillotine, headless, willing, bloody, magic, surreal

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